Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Wee bit of Sweetness

The best thing about October is the feeling of fall. Contrary to popular belief, Los Angeles does indeed have a fall. It may not be as showy as some, but after days and weeks of hot, hot heat, the brisk chill and the breezy days are a welcome relief.

For me, the best thing about fall though is that the tiny casa is finally cool enough to bake in. And what better fall ingredient to bake with than pumpkin? I have to admit I get my pumpkin from a can. But that’s okay because it is a very big can that allows me to make my favorite pumpkin squares, pumpkin bread and pumpkin pancakes. Plus, there is a nifty can leftover that can be covered in pretty paper and used for gift giving or pen corralling.

Mixing it up a tiny bit, I decided to kick off this fall with a wee batch of pumpkin cakes. I used this square recipe and cut the sugar by ¼ cup and added a healthy dose of black pepper. Instead of baking as squares, I greased up a small cupcake tin and added a small dollop of batter to each cup.

After fifteen minutes in the oven, I pulled out the happy cakes to cool. While they were cooling I decided that the best way to celebrate fall baking was to add a bit of pizzazz by way of toppers so I pulled out some pretty paper, toothpicks, glue, scissors and stickers and went to town. While the glue dried on my toppers, I whipped up some cream with just a smidge of sugar.

When everything was cooled and dried, I added a dollop of cream to six small cakes and then topped them each with another small cake. I now had wee happy topsy-turvy towers, all they needed were the toppers. So I graciously obliged…

Let the party begin!

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