Monday, June 8, 2009

About Me

Lisa is such a talented designer. We really are in for a treat this week. It's intimidating to share your art and creations to a virtual audience. So, as you read through the posts this week, be sure to comment if you like what you see. Without further ado, Lisa Rupp:

Hello, my name is Lisa:

Hi everyone! I'm excited to be a guest blogger for my friends at S.E.I. It wasn't too long ago that I was part of the S.E.I. crew. That's right! I worked with the lovely girls in the Art Room. Now I live near Phoenix with my husband and our cute little baby. I'm a graphic designer, illustrator & crafter and run a small home business called Lisa Rupp Design. I love parties, blogs, paper goods, handmade items and most of all, being a mom!

This week I will be sharing with you things that inspire me, some of what I do, things that I love and a few of my ideas. I'm really happy to be here. Thanks for having me!

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